I'm the connection curator, copywriter, and cheerleader that you've been looking for. Let me share a secret with you: this isn't just a job for me. Writing has been a genuine passion of mine since I could hold a pen. But how does this translate for you?
"We are all just walking each other home."
- Ram Dass
I believe that human connection is one of the greatest tools we have.
Storytelling has been around for generations. Why? Because it works. Connection and community make us feel accepted and seen, and I use this ideology to scale your biz.
Your clients want to feel that you understand their struggles and their goals. They want to feel that they are supporting a face behind the brand.
So, let's bring that to life by curating copy that connects.
Always hold the door open for people.
Go the extra mile for the people behind you.
Your perspective is your reality.
Choose to see the beauty and more beauty will follow.
An enthusiastic, "Yes, man!"
Say yes to new opportunities and welcome new experiences.
Stand behind what you do.
Be steadfast in who you are and the decisions you make.
If you weren't a writer, what would you be?
It's hard to imagine a world where this isn't my career. I would pick this a thousand times over, but otherwise I'd land in healthcare.
What's your drink of choice?
I'll get a crispy diet coke with lime, please.
Are you a dog or cat person?
Dog person all the way. I have three dogs - Chandler (Bing), Kip, and Tilly.
What's your favorite song?
Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet?
Oh, but they're so spaced out...
B-B-B-Bennie and the jets.
Do we sound like a good fit?
E-Mail: info@studiocelina.com